You can’t write a standout College Application Essay without first brainstorming a standout topic.
But don’t worry—we’ve gathered some of our best brainstorming resources into one place for you.
On this page, you’ll find our:
Of course, you can always go right for our BEST resource, our online course the College Essay Cure, which includes a module devoted entirely to brainstorming. ☺️

Get our Brainstorming Blueprint
The Brainstorming Blueprint lays out simple solutions for discovering your authentic topic; mapping your entire essay; and moving quickly into writing without second-guessing yourself….and the best part is you only PAY WHAT YOU CAN.
You want to learn more about what to write about? You want to know if your ideas are good or not? This Brainstorming Blueprint will give you the answers you need so you can stop questioning and start writing, ASAP.
Take our quiz to discover the RIGHT topic for your College Essay
Not sure what to write your College Essay about?
Our 10 question quiz will quickly and easily guide you towards your perfect topic.
Watch our Common App brainstorming video series
Brainstorming for your College Application Essay can be the actual worst—partly because you’re never positive you’re doing it right, or if your topic idea is strong or just plain wrong, and like…what if YOU think your idea is great but colleges don’t???
I hear you, friends. It’s so easy to be wracked with self-doubt, but not as easy to find your way to the other side.
That’s why we’ve put together this seven-part video series breaking down ALL 7 Common App prompts. You’ll learn what each question is really asking and how to come up with an authentic topic that grabs your readers. These videos are chock-full of tips and tricks… as well as some awkward dancing. (Listen…brainstorming is hard. Sometimes you gotta dance it out to make it through!)
Click play to watch now!
Get our College Essay Cheat Sheet
Some students can’t pin down their ideal topic without first understanding how they should structure their full essay.
That’s where our Cheat Sheet can help! It shares the secrets of the best College Essays and tells you EXACTLY how to structure and organize yours.
Because guess what—of all the essays I review every year, the best ones ALWAYS follow the same simple format.
Now you can learn this format too!
Get our Short Answer Shortcut
Not sure what to write your Short Answers about? Don’t fret. In our Short Answer Shortcut, we share the short answer template recreating the exact, 6-step format all successful short answers follow; a 4-point checklist to ensure your responses hit crucial markers of originality and authenticity; and sample student responses to benchmark your own against.
Stream our free College Essay workshop!
We’re all about empowering students with the tools they need to tackle brainstorming successfully on their own.
In this free workshop streaming now, I teach you how to uncover what I refer to as your unique “snowflake” essay topic to really set your essay up for success. I also teach you how to draft fast and fearless, and how to revise using my bold strokes method.
Get even more help with The College Essay Cure
Are you ready to go even deeper? Then you’re ready for The College Essay Cure.
The course contains The Brainstorming Cure: a full module of additional brainstorming instruction along with a downloadable brainstorming activity! It’s the ULTIMATE brainstorming helper and will set you up for essay success like nothing else.
The signature online program also covers:
- Popular topic myths and mistakes—and how to fix them
- The 2 quick tricks to creating a compelling opening every time
- The 4 essential keys to guarantee your essay ends on a memorable note
- The “rule of 3” revision process to help you revise your essay from “good” to “great”
- The Short Answer Template recreating the exact, 6-step format all successful short answers follow